by Gerald Vanderpuye | Sales and Marketing Content
Does your company measure the performance of product marketing content? Most sales leaders I speak to today are investing heavily in content because apparently content is king! However, that content is not always ‘king’, in my experience some of it is more ‘dog’. A...
by Gerald Vanderpuye | Sales Enablement
Whether you’re a sales rep looking for ammunition to convince your boss you should be allowed to work remotely, or a sales director being asked to consider this option, this article is for you. Remote working is something that comes up a lot in tech companies. Most...
by Gerald Vanderpuye | Sales Enablement
Buyers’ perceptions of the archetypical sales rep don’t do us any favours. Many buyers think we’re going to try and sell them a solution regardless of their actual requirements, using manipulative or strong-arm tactics. From my own experience of working with...
by Gerald Vanderpuye | Sales
In 2008 I was lucky enough to join a rocketship company, Rackspace Hosting. I left an uninspiring job in the city to pursue my passion, a sales career with a top tech firm. Interviewing with dozens of businesses and turning down many offers in the process, I spent...
by Gerald Vanderpuye | Sales and Marketing Content
or…. 7 signs Product Marketing has a content management problem Today most companies rave on about how content is king, so they create more and more content. A typical technology company with 20+ sales reps will have 100-1000 sales content assets. A staggering...